Atom payment gateway integration in PHP step by step tutorial
Atom payment gateway integration is easy steps
Atom payment gateway integration is easy steps
PHP stand for Hypertext Preprocessor. It was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994.
DataTable is a popular plugin of jQuery to display data in the tabular format. It is used by many developers.
Inserting data into the database is one of the common operations in any software application. Ajax stands for “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML“. By using Ajax, we can send data to …
Importing the database is very easy task but sometimes it gives error and developer do not understand those errors. I have also faced issue many times at the time of database import. If you have a bigger size database then you must follow command line process to import that database.
The framework is a tool or software that is developed by an experienced software developers. It is just like a photo frame where we put our code.
In this tutorial, we will learn the implementation of Google reCAPTCHA v3 to a PHP form with the help of Ajax
Google reCAPTCHA v3 is one of the best and popular tools to prevent spam and bots request on any form. It prevents robots to send any request by form on …