Terms of use

This section contains information regarding terms of use that means how to use this tutorial and where you can use our content?


Copyright is a major issue in the online digital world. You need to follow these rules before copying our content. Below are the terms and conditions:

  • You cannot use our content for another blog or website. You can use only for your project like college, office, school, etc.
  • The whole content which is displayed on this website is written by Phptreepoint authors and all these contents are the property of this website. You do not have permission to copy images, contents, etc.
  • You are always free to use our code snippets on your college project or any commercial projects but you can’t share these code on another blog post without any prior permission by us.
  • You are able to share our code on any blog forum like Stackoverflow, Quora, etc. but you need to give credit link also.

If you find copying the content without following these rules then our team will be able to take proper action.

error: Content is protected !!